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  1. Picture to pixels. Use bitmaps to tell a story. Convert pictures to bitmaps and store the bitmaps in a

header file. In the main program, draw the pictures on the OLED screen in sequence to tell a story. Use

the text to help tell the story.

  1. Snake game. Each time the snake eats a piece of food, its tail grows longer, making the game

increasingly difficult. The user controls the direction of the snake's head (up, down, left, or right), and

the snake's body follows. Food is randomly generated, and if the snake hits a wall or its own tail, the

game ends. Keep score by how many turns or how much time the snake is alive.

  1. Analog clock. Starting with the current time, draw a clock face and the hour, minute and seconds hand.

Use the RTC module in the MSP430, and move the hands to show the correct time.

  1. Traffic light simulator. Draw a traffic intersection on the OLED display. Have cars, pedestrians, and

bicycles randomly move across the display. When the cars approach the intersection, display the traffic

light signals in 2 directions. If a pedestrian wants to cross the street, change the stoplight and have the

cars stop.

  1. Space craft. Use 3 buttons to control a space plane on the display. Control thrust, left turn, and right

turn. Move the space craft in response to the buttons. Make 3 goal circles for the spacecraft to cross.

Keep track of time or goals to create points. Use 6 LEDs to indicate how much fuel is remaining.

  1. Moon lander. Use 3 buttons to control a moon lander: thrust, move left, move right. With gravity, the

lander falls toward the bottom of the screen. Randomly generate a goal landing location. Keep track of

fuel, and when the thrust is used, decrease the fuel. Thrust increases positive to vertical velocity.

Success if landing with minimum negative velocity on the landing location.

  1. Cannon. Draw a cannon on the lower left, with a barrel. Display and control speed and angle with

buttons. Another button fires the cannon. Show the bullet path. Generate a random goal on the ground.

Try to hit the goal in the fewest adjustments of the cannon speed and angle.

  1. Memory game. Draw 4 geometric shapes in positions on the screen touching each other. Display to

the player for 1 second. Move the 4 shapes to random points on the screen. The player must select each

shape and move it back to correct position in the least amount of time. Computer must judge “close” to

goal and show time to complete.

  1. Fractal art. Draw fractals by setting at least 2 parameters, allowing the user to set these parameters.

Draw the fractal on the screen. Indicate when the drawing is complete with an LED. Continue

displaying until a button press indicates the users wants to try again.

  1. Digital clock. The MSP430 is used to display the digital clock, displaying the year, month, day, hour,

minute, and second.

  1. Waveform drawing. The program will display the acquired signal waveform on the OLED screen.

(eg sine wave, triangle wave)


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