

限制docker 上传速度

限制docker 上传速度

然而,你可以使用第三方工具来实现这个目的。一个常用的工具是 trickle,它可以模拟网络带宽。

首先,你需要安装 trickle。在 Ubuntu 上,可以使用以下命令安装:

sudo apt-get install trickle

然后,你可以使用 trickle 来限制 Docker 推送的速度。例如:

trickle -s -u 300 docker push kevinchina/deeplearning:CodeFormerv1.000

在这个例子中,-u 300 表示将带宽限制为每秒 300KB。你可以根据需要调整这个值。

请注意,这种方法并不是 Docker 的原生功能,而是通过使用额外的工具来实现的。



sudo apt-get install trickle

How to use trickle

Trickle's syntax is as follows:

trickle -d Download_Bandwidth -u Upload_Bandwidth Command

Here are some examples:

a) Limit the download bandwidth to 10kbps used to transfer a file using ssh:

trickle -d 10 scp file.mp3

b) Limit the bandwidth to 200kpbs of download of a system update through Apt:

trickle -d 200 apt-get upgrade

c) To modify the bandwidth of an application, such as Firefox:

trickle -d 10 -u 10 firefox% u

d) Using trickle to limit wget's bandwidth

trickle -d 50 wget -O “planet earth.divx” http://video.stage6.com/1402821/.divx

Run trickle like a demon

To start trickle like a daemon and limit ALL bandwidth, use the trickled command:

sudo trickled -d 20 -u 20

… Where the parameters -d and -u respond to the download and upload limit, respectively.

Configuring trickle

Trickle has a configuration file that will allow us to fine-tune some parameters and make them permanent individually for each service.

The configuration file is as follows: /etc/trickled.conf

The simplest configuration file that can be made looks like this:

[ssh] Priority = 1

[www] Priority = 8

With this method we get quite good download speeds and at the same time we can do ssh sessions to the machine that is downloading. Basically, a config file like the one above tells trickle to prioritize ssh transfers over www.

Trickle's documentation recommends the use of the Time-Smoothing and Length-Smoothing parameters to avoid fluctuations in transfer rates.

[ssh] Priority = 1

Time-Smoothing = 0.1

Length-Smoothing = 2

[www] Priority = 8

Time-Smoothing = 5

Length-Smoothing = 20

These values define the normalization time and length that Trickle applies to the program it is controlling.

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